Friday, November 9, 2007

What's on YOUR to do list?

I was watching this You Tube Video about this woman doing a documentary and asked people to mail her their to-do lists...She didn't expect anyone to actually do it but the mail came pouring in! People would put everything on their to-do lists from picking up milk to finding a soul seems kind of voyeuristic to read other people's to-do lists but it really struck a chord with me. When I was working I used to write stuff on my to-do list just to cross it off. How neurotic is that??? I mentioned that to my mom one time and she said, you did???? I guess she thought it perplexing how this teenager with the messy room and forgotton homework could eventually become a manager of people and find it neccessary to mark accomplishments no matter how minute, interesting.

Sigh, I recently crossed off my list some thank you's from Luke's 2nd Birthday. We sent thank you's to Dr. Suess and Thing 1 and Thing 2 (his twin sister). And from our fabulous friends that came to our house to celebrate with us. We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I beg to ask...what's on YOUR to do list?

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